Here at CCRepairz we love our customers products just as much as they do and we understand how those devices become such an integral part of our everyday lives and take pride in the fact that we can provide a service to help so many.
We have spent many hours servicing the Henderson area with our local store and have dedicated several years to the service, repair, and retail industry. In that time we have developed a company you can trust by providing an affordable and reliable repair service using skilled technicians and Premium/OEM products.
We pride ourselves on being able to provide fast, friendly, and reliable customer service. Our live techs are always here to take your call and give you a free quote to determine which repair is needed or answer any repair questions you may have.
We give a 30 day warranty on all repair services offered on our site and if within the first 30 days you’re not satisfied with our repairs we will gladly do whatever it takes to correct whatever issues you may have with our service at no extra cost to you.
“If we can’t fix it you don’t pay for it!” A motto our technicians love to put to the test daily; our company guarantee.